Archana Raja

Archana Raja is a Kuchipudi & Bharatanatyam artist, teacher & choreographer based in the United States. Her foundational training in Bharatanatyam training was under the eminent Guru Sheela Unnikrishnan at Sridevi Nrithyalaya in Chennai, India. She studies Kuchipudi under Kasi Aysola and presented her Rangapravesam in Chennai, India 2023. She receives advanced learning in Bharatanatyam with Renjith Babu & Vijna Vasudevan.

Archana has traveled extensively to perform in major dance festivals in Dubai, Ireland, California, Oman, and New York, to name a few. She has decades of experience as a soloist, and her prowess in technique and presentation has given her the opportunity to work with choreographers like Dr. Anita Ratnam and Padmashri Shobana.

Her notable solo and group performances include a dance feature film with Navatman Dance (NYC), Jacob's Pillow 90th Anniversary Festival with Prakriti Dance, and the Nishagandhi Festival (India). Archana is currently working on solo works that incorporate influences from disparate genres of music and storytelling into the fabric of Indian dance. Her creative work intends to connect with diverse audiences and encourages questioning.

Archana also works as the marketing lead for Prakriti Dance and takes an active role in assisting the artistic development at the company.


Bhavajan Kumar


Akhilesh Vadari